Month: January 2008

  • Happy Birthday to a Dark Lady

    From G. K. Chesterton,
    The Black Virgin

    As the black moon
    of some divine eclipse,
    As the black sun
    of the Apocalypse,
    As the black flower
    that blessed Odysseus back
    From witchcraft; and
    he saw again the ships.

    In all thy thousand images
    we salute thee.

    Earlier in the poem....

    Clothed with the sun
    or standing on the moon
    Crowned with the stars
    or single, a morning star,
    Sunlight and moonlight
    are thy luminous shadows,
    Starlight and twilight
    thy refractions are,
    Lights and half-lights and
    all lights turn about thee.

    From Oct. 16, 2007,
    date of death of Deborah Kerr:

    "Harish, who was
    of a
    spiritual, even religious, cast
    and who liked to express himself in
    metaphors, vivid and
    did see, I believe, mathematics
    as mediating between man
    what one can only
    call God."
    R. P. Langlands

    From a link of Jan. 17, 2008--
    Time and Eternity:

    Abstract Symbols of Time and Eternity

    Jean Simmons and Deborah Kerr in Black Narcissus
    Jean Simmons (l.) and Deborah Kerr (r.)
    in "Black Narcissus" (1947)

    and from the next day,
    Jan. 18, 2008:

    ... Todo lo sé por el lucero puro
    que brilla en la diadema de la Muerte.

    -- Rubén Darío,
    born January 18, 1867

    Related material:

    Dark Lady and Bright Star
    Time and Eternity,
    Damnation Morning

    Happy birthday also to
    the late John O'Hara.

  • Retrospect:

    Working Backward

    Those who have followed the links here recently may appreciate a short story told by yesterday's lottery numbers in Pennsylvania: mid-day 096, evening 513.

    The "96" may be regarded as a reference to the age at death of geometer H.S.M. Coxeter (see yesterday morning's links). The "513" may be regarded as a reference to the time of yesterday afternoon's entry, 5:01, plus the twelve minutes discussed in that entry by presidential aide Richard Darman, who died yesterday.

    These references may seem less fanciful in the light of other recent Log24 material: a verse quoted here on Jan. 18--

    -- and a link on Jan. 19 to the following:

    The Lion, the Witch

    and the Wardrobe:


    "But what does it all mean?" asked Susan when they were somewhat calmer.

    "It means," said Aslan, "that though the Witch knew
    the Deep Magic, there is a magic deeper still which she did not know.
    Her knowledge goes back only to the dawn of Time. But if she could have
    looked a little further back, into the stillness and the darkness
    before Time dawned, she would have read there a different incantation.
    She would have known that when a willing victim who had committed no
    treachery was killed in a traitor’s stead, the Table would crack and
    Death itself would start working backward."

  • Prospect:

    Time and the River

    Harvard Class of 1964
    Twenty-fifth Anniversary Report:

    "At this writing (November, '88), President-elect Bush has just announced his intention to name me to his Cabinet and to nominate me as Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Given the state of play in Washington, I suppose I may find myself in premature retirement by the time this report is published.

    That is not an entirely unattractive prospect. Kath (Kathleen Emmet, '64) and I live in an idyllic setting, overlooking the Little Falls of the Potomac, just twelve minutes upstream from the Capitol. She writes-- she's now completing a book on American writers in Paris after World War II. Our children (Willy and Jonathan) do what healthy growing twelve- and seven-year-olds do. The river works its way peacefully over the falls and riffles around a woodsy island through the Chain Bridge narrows, and then on into the familar wide mud-basin of Washington-- a wholly different world.

    When I was an undergraduate, I asked all the adolescent questions. I still do: Why does the river flow the way it does? Why does one move downstream and back? The allure of such simple questions is as great for me today as when we talked of them so seriously and so long at the University Restaurant or the Casablanca, or on the steps of Widener. The only difference seems to be that I'm now a bit more willing to settle for answers that seem simpler, less profound, sometimes even trite. But only a bit."

    -- Richard Darman, who died today at 64

  • ART WARS continued:

    Requiem for a Curator

    "There is a pleasantly discursive treatment
    of Pontius Pilate's unanswered question
    'What is truth?'"

    -- H. S. M. Coxeter, 1987,
    book introduction quoted
    as epigraph to
    Art Wars

    "I confess I do not believe in time.
    I like to
    fold my magic carpet,
    after use, in such a way
    as to superimpose
    part of the pattern

    upon another."

    -- Nabokov, Speak, Memory

    Figure by Coxeter

    reminiscent of the
    Ojo de Dios of
    Mexico's Sierra Madre

    In memory of
    National Gallery
    of Art curator
    Philip Conisbee,
    who died on
    January 16:

    "the God's-eye
     of the author"

    -- Dorothy Sayers,
        The Mind
        of the Maker

    "one complete
    and free eye,
    which can
    simultaneously see
    in all directions"

    -- Vladimir Nabokov,
        The Gift   

    -- A Contrapuntal Theme

  • Context-Sensitive Theology, continued:

    Serious Numbers

    "When times are mysterious
    Serious numbers will always be heard."

    -- Paul Simon

    Recent events in world financial markets suggest a return to this topic, considered here on October 13, 2007.

    That day's entry, on mathematics and theology, may be of use to those who are considering, as their next financial move, prayer.

    Some related material:

    1. The review in the Jan. 22 New York Times of a book by mathematics vulgarizer John Allen Paulos refuting arguments for the existence of God.

    2. Arguments in a less controversial area-- for and against the consistency of elementary number theory:

      FOR: Kurt Gödel, Steven H. Cullinane, and John Dawson (See Log24-- Nov. 30 and Dec. 2, 2005--  and "Gödel, Inconsistency, Provability, and Truth: An Exchange of Letters" (pdf), in the American Mathematical Society Notices of April 2006.)

      AGAINST: E. B. Davies, King's College London (See above.)

    3. André Weil: "God exists since mathematics is consistent, and the Devil exists since we cannot prove it."
    4. God: "605." (NY Lottery, mid-day Jan. 20, 2008) This can, of course, be interpreted as "6/05"-- which is perhaps a reference to "God, the Devil, and a Bridge." Or perhaps not.
  • A Death of Kings:

    In Memory of
    Bobby Fischer

    Edward Rothstein has a piece on Bobby Fischer in today's New
    York Times
    .  The Rothstein opening:

    "There may be only three human activities in which miraculous
    accomplishment is possible before adulthood: mathematics, music and

    This echoes the opening of a classic George Steiner essay (The New
    , Sept. 7, 1968):

    "There are three intellectual pursuits, and, so far as I am aware, only
    three, in which human beings have performed major feats before the age
    of puberty. They are music, mathematics, and chess."

    -- "A Death of Kings," reprinted in George
    Steiner: A Reader
    , Oxford University Press, 1984,
    pp. 171-178.

    Despite its promising (if unoriginal) opening, the New York Times piece is mainly an attack on Fischer's anti-Jewish stance.  Rothstein actually has little of interest to say about what he calls the "glass-bead games" of music, mathematics, and chess. For a better-written piece on chess and madness, see Charles Krauthammer's 2005 essay in TIME. The feuilletons of Rothstein and Krauthammer do not, of course, come close to the genuinely bead-game-like writing of Steiner.

    Related material on
    chess and religion:
    Magical Thinking
    (December 7th, 2005)

  • For the Dark Lady:

    Well, she was
       just seventeen...

    "Mazur introduced the topic of prime numbers with a story from Don Quixote
    in which Quixote asked a poet to write a poem with 17 lines. Because 17
    is prime, the poet couldn't find a length for the poem's stanzas and
    was thus stymied."

    -- Undated American Mathematical Society news item about a Nov. 1, 2007, event

    Related material:

    Jueves, Enero 17, 2008

    Horses of a Dream

    (Log24, Sept. 12, 2003)

    Knight Moves
    (Log24 yesterday--
    anniversary of the
    Jan. 16 publication
    of Don Quixote)

    Windmill and Diamond
    (St. Cecilia's Day 2006)

  • Christmas 2005, continued...

    Knight Moves:
    Geometry of the
    Eightfold Cube

    Actions of PSL(2, 7) on the eightfold cube

    Click on the image for a larger version
    and an expansion of some remarks
    quoted here on Christmas 2005.